Feb 1, 2012

Color, Click, Capture Challenge

Welcome to Week 1 of the Color, Click, Capture photography challenge hosted by East9thStreet, A Helicopter Mom, Nap Time Is My Time and Sunshine and Sippy Cups!  The color this week is RED

When I think of Red I think of my son eating spaghetti. I love to watch him eat spaghetti and sauce even though I know he is going to be a mess and require a bath afterwards.



Unknown said...

Fantastic!I love when toddlers wear their food! LOL! I think it comes with being a Nana!

East9thStreet said...

Such a cutie! Spaghetti is always a fun meal at our house. My 2 year old doesn't like me to cut it anymore since she likes to suck it up when she eats it!

Parenting Patch said...

Adorable picture!

Angela said...

Absolutely adorable!! I loved feeding my girls spaghetti at that age! :)

hippie_mom said...

Adorable picture :) I can't help, but take food pictures too! There is just something so adorable that you know won't last forever.